The 2016 series continues with Real Wake Driven by MasterCraft, airing July 30 on ABC. Each Real Wake video part will debut on Organized in collaboration with MasterCraft and Alliance Wake, the free-flowing format of this competition will reward next-level tricks, innovative style and mind-blowing cinematography.
The videos will be judged by a panel of industry experts and a first place cash prize will be awarded to the winner, as well as gold, silver and bronze medals for the top three athletes and their filmers. Fans will also have a chance to view and vote on their favorite video in a tournament-style bracket with the fan favorite winning an additional cash prize.
This year's competition will include never-before-seen video parts from Harley Clifford, Steel Lafferty, Chris Shredtown Abadie, Brenton Priestly, Josh Twelker and Dominik Hernler.
Each Real Series competition culminates in a one-hour World of X Games show that will premiere on ABC and feature behind-the-scenes footage, athlete interviews and selection of the medalists. Like past Real Series competitions, each athlete will have the opportunity to team with an editor on the production of a video part that will present each rider in their own unique style. Each Real Series events videos will premiere on where fans can watch and vote for their favorite.
The schedule is subject to change. More details will be available on for fans or on for members of the media. Follow the X Games on Twitter at and join the conversation using #RealWake.