The 1st annual Pass the Handle ? Discover Water Sports Day will take place at a lake near you on July26, 2014. This is an incredible awareness-driven concept drawn up by legendary wakeboarders Shaun Murray and Zane Schwenk, encompassing any towed-water-sport enthusiast to get out on the water and extend their passionate arm to people in need of an awesome activity.
The concept is simple: Find a buddy or buddies who don?t already take advantage of the amazing sports included under the towed-water-sports umbrella and get them on the water. Take them out, teach them how to ride and introduce them to the same fun lifestyle of being on the water that we enjoy. Our goal is to truly engage those already involved to ?share the stoke? and teach as many people as they can to ride.
We would like this initiative to focus on safe towed water sports and to eventually create a
reward-based program to encourage those who are hyper enthused to help expand the sport by incentivizing them to teach more and more new riders. Although this is the first year of Pass the Handle, we expect this concept to grow legs and become the day that we can reach the masses, expand our user base and get the general public more engaged in watersports.
When: Saturday - July 26, 2014
Where: Worldwide
How: Ride anything on the water
-Cable Park
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