The WakeWorld Riders Choice Awards have traditionally been the industry standard when it comes to determining the riders and products that have had the most impact on our sport throughout the year. With a full decade of Riders Choice Awards behind us, we head into year eleven with as much enthusiam and excitement as ever. We think this past year was a great one for wakeboarding's riders, products and boats, but we can't wait to hear YOUR opinion about the riders, products and boats that made a difference to YOU. We've even added three new categories to the voting this year; Rail Rider of the Year, Cable Rider of the Year and Web Video of the Year!
As if voicing your oprinion and steering the direction of wakeboarding were not enough motivation to get involved, we want the 11th annual WakeWorld Riders Choice Awards presented by CWB Board Co. to be our biggest ever, so we're going to reward you with some great prizes just for submitting your vote! That's right, just let us know what you think and you'll be entered into our random drawing to win one of the prizes listed below generously provided by CWB Board Co.
Vote now and you could win...
* CWB Wakeboard of choice
* CWB Bindings of choice
* CWB Wakeskate of choice
* CWB Wakesurf Board of choice
* CWB Life Vest of choice
* CWB Handle and Mainline of choice
Here is the link to the 2011 WakeWorld Riders Choice Awards Ballot. Keep in mind that you do not have to vote in every category to submit your entry or be eligible to win prizes from CWB Board Co. All we require is that you vote for at least one rider in the Top Male Wakeboarders category and one rider in the Top Female Wakeboarders category. The rest of the voting is optional, so make your opinions known below and send a message to the wakeboarding industy telling them what you like!
MasterCraft Pro Athletes
Andrew Adkison
Parks Bonifay
Shane Bonifay
Nicola Butler
Harley Clifford
Steel Lafferty
Rusty Malinoski
Josh Palma
Zane Schwenk
MasterCraft Jr. Men
Daniel Powers
MasterCraft Boat
There is only one ballot submission permitted per person. Multiple submissions will disqualify all submissions from that voter. Voting closes at midnight on 8/31/11. Don't forget to include your email address (at the bottom of the ballot) if you want to be in the running for all these great prizes.