Federal law requires certain safety equipment to be on-board your boat at all times. Responsible boaters carry additional equipment in case of emergency. It is your responsibility to check with the local boating authorities for any additional requirements and/or equipment over and above the federal requirements.
Your MasterCraft boat was equipped at the factory with most of the federally required safety equipment for inland waters (Class II, 26-foot-to-40-foot watercraft). This equipment includes:
ABYC-approved (American Boat & Yacht Club) marine mufflers with water injection
USCG-approved (United States Coast Guard) marine flame arrestor
USCG-approved engine box ventilation with sparkless blower
ABYC-approved electric horn sound-warning device
USCG-approved inland lighting
Automatic and manual fire extinguishers
The responsible boat owner will avoid potential problems on an outing by having additional equipment on board. Normally, the decision regarding the appropriate equipment to take on individual outings is dependent upon the body of water and the length of the trip. We suggest the following equipment as a minimum (your MasterCraft dealer can also assist you with additional recommendations):
Anchor with at least 75 feet of line (in saltwater operation, particularly)
Manual bailing device for removing water
Combination oar/boat hook
Day-and-night visual distress signal
First aid kit and manual
Airway breathing tube
Waterproof flashlight
Non-electric horn or whistle
Set of local navigational charts
Mooring lines and fenders
Extra engine oil
Tool kit
Portable, battery-operated AM/FM radio or weather radio/scanner